Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Number line is a free app that could be very beneficial in the mathematics classroom when learning about fractions, decimals, percentage, and their equivalents. The number line game asks students to drag circles containing a fraction, decimal, or percentage onto the number line and place it in the correct numerical order from least to greatest value. For example, the numbers 60%, 0.450, and 2/3 show up. The student would then have to place them on the line from least to greatest value. In this case 0.450, 60%, 2/3 would be correct order. The objective is to move from level to level at a fast pace and rack up points for correct answers. If the answer is wrong points are subtracted and the circle turns red until moved into the correct spot. As you move on the level become more challenging.

This app allows students to be tested on their knowledge of fractions, decimals, percentage, and their equivalents without giving a traditional test or quiz. Through this app students will be engaged and actively challenged while enhancing their mathematical knowledge. During a lesson an educators could incorporate this app to reinforce concepts or even make assessments based on student scores and pace. Overall, this app offers students the chance to test their understand in a fun and engaging way.

1 comment:

  1. This look soooo cool! I always had a number line on my desk in first grade, but this is going above and beyond that. I love that you can put fractions and decimals on here so that students can see where it is in relation to whole numbers. It would also help to drive home adding a positive number to a negative number.


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