Saturday, November 5, 2011

Memory King

App Name: Memory King
Cost: Free!

Pros: This a memory game app that lets you create games for your students. It can be played in a one player setting or in a multiplayer setting as well. Along with being able to create unique memory games, you can also purchase ones that have already been created. You are able to upload pictures for each of the individual cards and also record sound for the cards if you want to add facts or information. Math and this app could be done using facts and having them solve the problem and find the answer that it matches. You could also use it to practice math definitions if necessary. Another fun way to implement this app would be to use story problems by putting a picture and recording the question you would want the students to solve and then find the matching answer. This is also a great app for other subjects as well.

Cons: There are not many downfalls to this app. However, I have not figured out if it is possible to transfer something you created on one iPad and pull up the same game onto another iPad. So it might be a tedious process because you would have to create a new game for every iPad in your classroom.

Other apps: I have not found any other apps similar to this one where you can create your own memory game for specific content.

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