Monday, September 2, 2013

Sky Walk

Cost: $2.99

Pros: There are many positive aspects to this app. Not only is it immensely interactive but it also give minute by minute information regarding the phases of the moon, temperatures, star placement, and satellite rotation. 

Cons: The app often needs some sort of GPS for up to date information but it always provides the standard placement of constellations. 

Similar Apps: Skywalk is similar to this app but this is the most highly developed app regarding information on stars and other astronomical information. 

How I would use it in the classroom: There are so many ways I would use this in the classroom but the most obvious use would be in the science subject area. This app works during the daytime so students can locate stars even during school hours. I would have students put together a monthly journal where they would record their solar observations of well know constellations. Using black construction paper each day students would graph/document the positions of the stars with silver sharpies. They would be able to have decorative record of the stars and learn about the rotation of the earth based on star movement. This is just one example of how this app could really engage students and foster a love for the sciences. 

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