Chicken Coop Fractions helps students to look at fractions in terms of a 0 to 1 number line. It also makes the connection between decimal representations and conventional fraction representations. There are multiple difficulty levels and options to work with proper, improper, and mixed fractions.
It is a timed game in which a fraction of some sorta is shown on the screen, and the player must click on the 0 to 1 number line the fraction equivalent. This is a race against the clock to achieve the most points.
I saw this game played by a third grader, but i feel it could be used up to 5th or 6th grade because of the options to make the fractions more difficult.
Pros: Students enjoyed the game. It is a free application.
Cons: Gets repetitive. Not much variety in the game, just a change in fractions.
This app. is great. I love the fact that the students have to estimate what the fraction is but they are estimating it in decimal form. This app. can really help students understand conversions.