Sunday, September 4, 2011

Math Puppy

The app that I chose to review is called Math Puppy. This is a great app that could be used effectively in an elementary math class. The free version of the app only allows you to work with subtraction problems. You can buy division, multiplication, and addition problems together for 99 cents. The app has two modes. One is a bingo mode where you are given problems to solve and you move on to the next level when you complete a row or column of correct answers. The other mode is a math challenge mode. This mode gives four answers and you have to select the right one for the given question.

Pros- The app would be great for giving students a more interactive and engaging method for learning math problems. The bingo mode turns the task of learning addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication problems into a game that you children would find entertaining. Another pro is that the modes on the app allow you to select the degree of difficulty you would like to use. This makes the app even more attractive since could be used for children working on easier prelims, and those looking for more of a challenge.

Cons- The app itself is a bit repetitive, and after a while children may lose interest in the app. The app isn't designed to help explain to a child how their answer was wrong if they answered incorrectly. Children who may not know could just turn to guessing.

How to use- This app would work well for practicing these problems. After the instruction part of a lesson is completed, students could use this app to practice what they just learned. It would provide them with a much more engaging method of practice than just completing a set of problems out of a book.

1 comment:

  1. I think that this app is great but I agree that it is a little repetitive and the students would benefit from the 99 cent app because instead of just subtraction it has multiplication, division, and addition. I enjoyed playing the Math Bingo game and think that younger children would enjoy playing it. It makes subtraction fun as you try to get a Bingo.


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