Monday, September 5, 2011

Triangle Solve

The app that I reviewed is called Triangle Solve. It is a free app! :)Link

Students can use this app to help check their problems. All you have to do is plug in the information that you have, and the rest will pop up. This app is very straight forward and easy to use. Students would not have a problem using this app at all!

Students could use this as a tool to just solve their homework without actually trying to solve the problem. This would have to be monitored so students are able to actually understand how to solve the problem. The triangle doesn't change when the numbers are plugged in.

How I would use it in the classroom:
After having students work on solving triangles, I would have them go to the ipad app and check their work. If the student was wrong, I would want them to write that and then go to try the problem again. Yes, they have the answers, but I want to see the work that would go along with that.

I have not tried any similar apps.

1 comment:

  1. My first thought about this app is that it is very limited. A cool way to use it in math class would be to let the students use it to experiment and give them some probing questions. Try entering three sides of about the same length. What do you notice about the angles? WIth one side much longer than the others, what do you notice about the angles? What do the angles always add up to? It could definitely help students understand the relationship between sides and angles, but as Jessica said, it would be helpful if the shape of the triangle would change according to the measurements.


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